Masters and institutional


Academic & Institutional

Comitato per la Salvaguardia dell’Arte del Canto Lirico Italiano
The Committee for the Safeguarding of the Art of Italian Opera Singing is the reference body for the Italian Ministry of Culture as well as the community expression of Italian Opera Singing, inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO (6 dec 2023).

Roma (IT)

New England Conservatory

Masterclass on vocal tecnique, interpretation and diction of the Italian operatic repertoire. 

Boston (MA)

ISSM Conservatorio Guido Cantelli

President of the Novara conservatory for the three-year period 2023-2026

Montclair State University (NJ)
John J. Cali School of Music 

Hybrid course (online and in presence)

Montclair (NJ) – USA

Montclair State University (NJ)
John J. Cali School of Music – Leshowitz Recital Hall
Montclair (NJ) – USA

Bolshoi Academic National Theater



SPSC is a unique program created by M° Benton Hess, dedicated to talented young singers, with the intent of furthering the art of Italian opera singing, with a special focus on language.
A thorough knowledge of the Italian language is key to opera singing: it helps overcoming technical obstacles and guides expressive interpretation. Every singer can relate to this concept and find benefit, without having to upset the foundations of their technique. 

Arona (NO) – ITALY

The “Committee for the Safeguarding of the Art of Italian Opera Singing” represents a heritage community of over 30,000 of bearers and practitioners, variously located throughout national context, of all genders and generations.
The Community represented by the Committee is supported by a network that works for the continuity and vitality of the element through national associations as well as individual holders.

Rome – ITALY

International masterclass for opera singers with Patrizia Ciofi, Carles Exposito, Chris Merritt, Federico Sacchi, Gabriella Sborgi, Stefano Vizioli. 

Scuola Comunale di Musica, F.A. Vallotti

Vercelli – ITALY

Montclair State University
John J. Cali School of Music – “Using Italian Diction for Expressive Singing”

Montclari (NJ) – USA

Ithaca College – Music Department 
“Using Italian Diction for Expressive Singing”

Ithaca (NY) – USA

International masterclass for opera singers with Patrizia Ciofi, Carles Exposito, Chris Merritt, Federico Sacchi, Gabriella Sborgi, Stefano Vizioli. 

Arona – ITALY

International masterclass for opera singers with Patrizia Ciofi, Carles Exposito, Chris Merritt, Federico Sacchi, Gabriella Sborgi, Stefano Vizioli. 

Arona – ITALY